
Another Step Away

Necia got her dorm room assignment today. How strange to think of her having a different home than with me.


Reading Pile

One of the most revelatory things about a person is the books they read. Here is my current pile of being-read and to-read-soon books. The top four are current-reads (I usually have several going at a time), not including one that is in the car that I didn’t feel like fetching, entitled Stumbling on Happiness, a book club read. Most of these are books I’ve found in thrift stores (I LOVE that!), and reflect my deep interest in mythology, metaphor, storytelling, and dream work.

I have several other piles of books to read, along with over 400 books on my Amazon wishlist. Now if I only had several piles of extra hours lying around . . . . .



So, today was the 30th anniversary of Mt. St. Helens blowing her top. I could write about my memories of that day, but really, the more interesting things happen right around me. Both Kira and Necia had their choir concerts tonight, and they just amaze me both on individual and within-the-choir levels. I took video, so this photo is from John’s phone camera–the best of a not-great bunch. Kira is in the middle of the girls, in purple, as they performed a fantastically-done medley from Phantom of the Opera (Kira had a solo, as well). What I did not know until she was acknowledged after the performance, was that Kira had choreographed the whole thing! I was so impressed! Other highlights: Necia and Josh sang a duet adaptation of Les Miserables ‘ “I Dreamed a Dream”, and their high school Varsity Choir performed a fabulous medley of pieces from Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou? They did a powerful, beautiful job!


Having Her Cake . . .”
Our Miss Necia was honored as a senior during EHS’s band concert tonight. She was given this cake, and, absent utensils, did what any reasonable teenager with her very own cake would do!


Buzzing Salvia

I took this photo trying to capture the blooms abuzz with bees, but they didn’t really show up. A closeup is a little better, but I’ll have to try again, it seems.


Farmer’s Market

On the way out of Idaho Falls, I spotted the Farmer’s Market and had to stop. I gave each of the girls $5 to spend; Ayla bought a handmade mug, Devony bought candy, and Kess bought a hair clip with a big hot pink flower on it. Me? I had good intentions to come away with some vegetable plants to put in the garden, but I bought a block of fudge.


Steph and Jeff

Ayla, Devony, Kess, and I made a too-quick trip to Idaho Falls to attend cousin Stephanie’s wedding. I met Steph’s new husband, Jeff, who seems to be a nice guy (but I’m not sure anyone could truly ever be worthy of Stephanie!)–he let us stay in his house the two nights we were there, after all! It was wonderful to also see other family that I get to visit with all too seldom; I need to make the effort to get over there more often.

Congratulations, you two!

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Massacre Rocks
On our way to a wedding in Idaho Falls, Devony, Kess, Ayla, and I stopped at the rest stop at Massacre Rocks State Park near American Falls. I remember making the drive from Burley to Grandma’s house in Pocatello as a kid, and always being morbidly fascinated with this area; I would imagine what it was like for the wagon trains to get ambushed by Indians, and wonder, just a little, if I could see an Indian poking his head out from behind a rock as we drove by.


Birthday Hydrangeas

For my birthday, Charlayne gave me this hydrangea, which I love, and which I am also terrified of killing. I haven’t decided where I’m going to plant it yet, but I wanted to blog it so that if it does meet its demise before this time next year, I can at least enjoy it online!


Birthday Flowers

Kim and Scarlett gave me this pot o’ flowers for my birthday. Lots of people think geraniums are stinky, but I love how they smell–my grandma always had a pot or two of geraniums in her windowsill, and they make me think of her.

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